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Sleep detection range#110

Can you pls allow the app to include any sleep from the specified sleep range? I frequently have broken sleep, many nights a week. So only tracking the most recent sleep detected is often inaccurate as it may be only 2 hours, but i might have had much more in total

3 years ago

I agree

3 years ago
Changed the status to
We Need your help on this one
3 years ago

Could you give more examples of the problem? Is it sleep at night with the detection missing the short sleep?

If the sleep is short periods, it is considered to be non-restorative.
How can we ensure that added short sleep periods won’t lead to missleading sleep stats?

3 years ago

Samsung health/smart watch has a great sleep feature that tracks how long you are awake/restless, rem, deep sleep etc and the range or sleep patterns it will allocate a sleep score and provide feedback on patterns. If there was an ability to import this data or possibly integrate the apps it would mean more acurate sleep information and the user will not have to input this data from one app to another in summary.

2 years ago

There needs to be an option to remove the time limits on sleep detection. It’s absurd to assume that everyone has set patterns. You can clearly see the multiple broken records…

2 years ago

@Lucreza Borgia you can change the time limits in the main menu of the app, in settings, then sleep detection settings. You may choose to have the sleep detection active all day long (well, 23 hours and 59 minutes) if you wish

2 years ago

That one minute or two is the issue that is splitting my records

2 years ago

To clarify further, if the night sleep is approximately from 23.00 to 4.00 and then from 5.00 to 7.30, this last 2,5 hours may be considered non-restorative, but it is still incorrect to say that you have only slept 5 hours that night - and there is a big difference in physical state during the day between getting only 5 hours, or getting 7,5 with a pause in between.

2 months ago

Exactly what Kira has described. I want to be able to choose to include more than one episode of sleep into the one record, so that the total amount of sleep is counted.

2 months ago