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degree symbol ° for temperatures in pressure/humidity circles#586

I thought the numbers in the pressure/humidity high/moderate/low predictions were the predicted pressure/humidity values.
Adding ° to them would make it clearer.

2 years ago

Now I don’t think they’re temperature either. What are they?

They’re 6 for today and 7 for tomorrow. Too low for pressure (prediction 1026-1032 millibar), humidity (prediction 47%-100%), or temperature (prediction from another app 8-22°C)

2 years ago

It’s the date. I’m an idiot.

Maybe swap so the date is above and the day initial in the circle? A number in a colour coded circle looks like the number and the colour are related.

2 years ago

@Molly dot thanks for your feedback and sorry for the confusion. You are not an idiot. It is not obvious, so we need to improve this. Hope we can come to a better solution soon :)

2 years ago
Changed the status to
We Need your help on this one
2 years ago